Thursday, July 17, 2008

Julia is 5 months old!

Yes, my little angel turned 5 months yesterday! It just goes by too fast. Julia enjoys watching her big brother and playing with her toys. She is such a happy baby, and sleeps 10-12 hours straight at night!! I weighed her at home today, and she is tipping the scales at 20 pounds! We met a one year old little girl at the park today that wasn't even 20 pounds yet! More to love, right?

Here's another picture of Julia in her bouncer. We put her in it yesterday for the first time and she loved it. Ryan ,on the other hand, was not too happy. He hasn't seen that toy in about a year, but somehow he remembered it and knew it was his. Oh yes, he cried and tried to climb in with Julia. After he got over it, Ryan showed Julia how to steer the wheel. Placing her little hands on the wheel for her. He really is so sweet. And don't worry, I'm still working on the vacation pictures.........I haven't forgotten :)