Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Past 6 months.

Wow! Let's see if I can remember some of the Stone family highlights from the last six months:

Ryan~has turned 3! He was so happy to be three and celebrate with a family birthday party. We also took him to Strasburg to ride on the steam train and visit the train museum. He absolutely loved it. Ryan is also fully potty trained. We celebrated after no diapers for one month with a trip to Sesame Place. (that's how I bribed him to take care of business only on the potty ;) Tomorrow is the first day of preschool for my little man. He truly is excited for school, and I'm excited for him. I'm also pretty happy about spending a few hours of quality time with Julia.

Julia~has been growing and blossoming. Now, at 18 months my little darling is in the 50th %tile for height and weight! Perfectly average young lady. I love her sweet, but stubborn spirit. That girl knows what she wants. Julia's vocabulary seems to be exploding lately. She loves to shout MAMA and RYAN. But everyday she seems to surprise me with the little things she says. The doctor asked if Julia says a handful of words, I laughed. She says so many, I lost count. Julia loves shoes and to play in the dirt with Ryan, and she still can't live w/o her little ducky.

Kale is still working on the basement. The biggest "project" ever. So, 2 and 1/2 years later and I think it's almost done! I must say, it is amazing what he has done down there and I am sooooo excited to finally be ordering some carpet and "moving in".

We've had the opportunity to go on a few little family vacations. We took our annual trip to Bethany Beach. We also went to a Yogi Bear campground and visited Knoebel's Grove. Oh, and in April, we were able to visit Long Island where I was blessed to celebrate a nearly 16 year High School Reunion!

Well, that's it, I think. I'm sure I left out tons, and I know that doesn't do it justice.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

July 09 (42 photos), by Robyn Stone

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.

Oh wow! I just figured out how to post my snapfish pictures quickly and easily. Thank God!

Who has time to blog?

Well, I realize that it has been like FOREVER since my last post. Ok, well actually it was like six months ago, but still....too long. Anyway, my excuse lies in the fact that I just don't seem to have the time or patience to post and add my beloved pictures. Well, mostly it's just patience. It seems like everything I try to do on this computer takes FOREVER! Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.....again......but it drives me nuts!

I have recently made a career change. I no longer work at HACC teaching nursing clinicals to the students. Basically, in order to keep my job, I was told that I needed to pursue a Master's Degree in Nursing. After much thought, prayer, consideration, stress and research........I decided that was not for me. I mean seriously, I didn't even have time to blog...........where would I find the time for grad school, or the money for that matter?

Right now, my children are my world. I work just enough to pay the bills and have some fun. Is it a sacrifice? Financially yes, but I wouldn't trade my time with my kids for anything. So, in the meantime, I am still a L&D nurse in the evenings/weekends and stay at home mom during the day. I also plan to start blogging a little. Just to keep my 2 followers happy :)

I know I'm rambling now, but it's been a while........give me chance to get back in the swing of things!

p.s. have i ever mentioned how satisfying it is when the spellcheck comes back with no errors? delightful!