Friday, August 8, 2008

No power!

Ok, so most people would be a little upset if they lost power for 2 hours! Nope, not me. This is what I got for having no power! Kale was unable to do his usual building in the basement, so he took Ryan outside. I enjoyed 2 hours with Julia relaxing in bed and reading a book. Folded the clothes and put them away too. But the best part was when I told Kale the power was back on. He told me to come outside and see what he did.

Pretty rocks and landscaping along the side of the house. The craziest part is that Kale actually took all of the stones from a rocky riverbed up at his parents house. He transported them 3 hours to our house, cleaned them, and stored them for months. I love it!! Ryan enjoyed "helping" dada the whole time.

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