Monday, August 4, 2008

The Story of the Nose

It all goes back to 8th grade softball tryouts. I was having a catch with one of my best friends, Krista, when the coach called out. I looked away and before I knew it, the softball tipped off my mitt and hit my nose! Tears welled up, but I didn't cry because I really wanted to make the team. Well, I did make the team and went on to love softball, but I did break my nose. This was only the start.......

The next time I broke my nose was one night after youth group. I was at a friend's house. This time, Tommy decided to throw me into the pool. Of course I protested, kicking and screaming the whole way. I grabbed onto the fence around the pool and cut my finger! So, Tommy, seeing the blood put me down. I walked into the house, washed my finger off and suddenly felt sick! I passed out, flat on my face. I woke up to my brother's face, telling me that I broke my nose. I was like, "no, it's my finger". Someone else was putting a bandaid on my finger, another was trying to give me juice, and Tommy was apologizing profusely. I couldn't feel my face, but the nose was definitely broken, and I needed stitches on my finger! This time I had a consult with an ENT. One visit with that doc and I was never going back! Scared to death of any possible surgery!

The next time ........ My mom cut the tip of her finger while trimming the hedges. So, I had been changing her bandages for her. Well, one morning, my mom woke me up and told me to change the bandage because it got wet. I jumped out of bed, took one look and got sick! I passed out and broke my nose.......again. I cried the whole way to the hospital, not again!! This time, I also cut my nose and ended up with stitches and a scar!

The next time........oh yes, there is one more. This one is unofficial, but after 3 times, you kinda know the feeling! I was on a youth leader retreat. We were on a break and some of the guys were tossing a football in the parking lot. All I heard was "lookout", so I did. Ouch, of course it hit my nose!!!! Am I a target or what?

I must say though, it does run in the family. My mom, sister, and brother have all broken their noses at least once! So that's my story. Pictures to follow.


Emilee Grace Co. said...

Oh.My.Gosh! lol You forgot to mention that you didn't want to cry at tryouts because the year before my other best friend (me) got hit in the face during tryouts, cried, and then got cut! lol Darn that Mr. Ricksecker! ha ha

Anonymous said...

haha. (sorry, I really dont mean to laugh) but I just love these stories... they crack me up every time. Well, I think you've broke your nose enough now.

Kjl2003 said...

LOL!! OH MY GOD!! I hope everyone is well with your nose now. And I laughed out loud at Diana's comment. LOL!

Anonymous said...

OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!! WOW! And you ended up being a nurse...unbelievable! At least it's getting fixed for good now!