Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bedtime Prayers

Ryan has a bad habit of scratching his nose at bedtime. It's a comfort thing I'm sure. He's been scratching his nose for more than a year now, and at times it's very red and sore. I think I've tried everything to get him to stop. Mittens, tape, band aids, liquid band aid, talks, threats, & alternative "feelies". You name it, we've probably tried it! Nothing has worked, he says "it feel good". So, you may have noticed a red nose or band aids in pictures, this is why :(

I have prayed about it many times, but last week I started to consistently pray with Ryan at nap time and bedtime that Jesus would help him not scratch his nose. He's so cute and I know he's listening because the other day Ryan "put mama to sleep". He likes to pretend and when he put mama to sleep he tucked me in, brought me turtle and prayed that Jesus would help mama not scratch her nose! How precious is that? And the best part of this story is an answered prayer! Ryan hasn't scratched his nose since we started praying together. Praise God!

I've been holding off on Ryan's 2 year pictures because of this nose, that was literally bleeding at times. So, this Tuesday we're finally going for those pictures. It will be Ryan and Julia's first professional pictures together :)

One more cute bedtime prayer story. I also started asking Ryan who he would like to pray for each night. Usually it's a family member and we'll pray for that person. Sometimes all of them, but a few days ago I asked Ryan who he wanted to pray for. He responded, "garbage truck". He's so cute, loves the garbage truck. The nice guys always wave to him and smile. We prayed for the garbage truck and the workers. The last two nights it was tractors and choo-choo's. You just gotta love the mind of a little boy! We went to see the steam engine and tractor's at William's Grove last week, so I'm sure that has been on his mind.

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